While all of you are eagerly anticipating the release of Dark Prophecy this October, we here at Dare to Pass have already begun thinking of the third book in the series. That’s right, we’re thinking that far ahead.

We’re locking picture on the Dark Prophecy cyber-bridges this week, we’ve started working with our composer for the music, sound designer and color correctionist. And soon, we’re going to start ramping up our campaign for the Dark Prophecy release. You’ll see the brand new website we’ve created, the trailer for the cyber-bridges, photos, behind-the-scenes and all that good stuff.

We’re so excited to bring this stuff to you guys, it looks amazing and I can’t wait to hear your response.

That said, we haven’t had a contest in a while and as we begin development on Book 3, I wanted to get you, the community, involved again.

So here it is, the contest for the week:

We’re looking for riddles. Lots of them. And would love to hear what you guys have. We’re looking for the most puzzling, the most mind-bending riddles out there and you can submit as many as you want.

We’re not asking you to come up with your own. You can pull them from other sources, just be sure to credit where they’re from in your post. However, if you happen to have original riddles, we’d ask that you read the following disclaimer before you submit them:

Be advised that any content, feedback, comments, ideas, suggestions and/or materials (collectively, the “Materials”) posted or uploaded by you to this website shall be done so without the reservation of any rights or further control over the Materials or the Materials’ use by you and you specifically authorize this website and its owners, affiliates, licensees and assigns to use such Materials in whole or in part, throughout the universe, in perpetuity in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, free and clear of any and all claims for royalties, residuals, or other compensation.  By posting and/or uploading any such Materials, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the foregoing. Please see the Terms of Use for further details.

Use the forum for this thread for your submissions. Once the contest period is over, we’ll post the collection and have the community vote on who submitted the best riddle.

The deadline for this contest is Friday, August 6, 2010 at 11:59 PM EST.

Winners will receive Gold, Silver and Bronze Sqweegel awards.

Looking forward to hearing what you guys have for us.




